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Happy 4th of July

07/04/2005 - 1:08 p.m.

It's just another full filled exciting day here in the Land O' Maggie. I'm at work. On a holiday no less. I could have taken today off, spent some more time with D, gone to see fireworks etc but nope I had to work.

But I guess I shouldn't complain. I mean I did get to see D not only Thursday but Sunday as well. When I left he was working on his car again and I didn't care to stick around to see Round 2 of that*laughs* He thinks he's got it figured out though so that's always good.

I just don't get the men and their cars thing though. Why can't they leave repairs to the professionals? It would save a lot of frustration in the long run. I guess that's just one of the mysteries that I'll never understand. But you know what's funny? I've watched him so much and listened to him explain to me how he's putting things together that I'm pretty sure that if need be I could do it myself now. But let's not put that theory to the test shall we?

When I got to D's house the other night*and I made excellent time this time. I left at 12:39am and made it there at 2:16* One of the first things he asked me was if I was still going to go to my 10 year reunion next month. I told him that I didn't think so.

"Why not?"
"Because I didn't like those people 10 years ago and I certainly don't care for them now"

He went on to mention that I look quite a bit different than I did in HS. Granted I do weigh a LITTLE less than I did, not by much but a little. After some careful consideration and him telling me that he'll still go with me. I've decided that I will go ahead and attend.

Why I don't know though. It's true. I hated 99% of the people in my class and I still don't care for them. They made my high school years a living hell. I guess it would be sweet revenge though to let them see that even though they treated me like crap that I'm still standing.

Speaking of weight loss...anyone remember this entry?

New Years Resolutions 2005

See number 1 there? Lose 40 pounds? Well I've almost done it. Only 10 more pounds to go til I hit that goal!! :) My goal is to lose 83 altogether though. You can see that by my little ticker(which I'll have to move to a different page in a minute)

And now for something that I've never told anyone in this diary. I've lost 30 pounds. My original weight...

was 248.

*for those that can do the math that means I now weigh 218*

Scarily enough, a few years ago I weighed even MORE than THAT!!! So I've come a loooooooong way.

D keeps teasing me by saying that once I get all skinnylike I'm going to dump him for some young stud. That's not gonna happen not by a long shot.

I'm totally, completely and whole heartedly in love and committed to HIM.

It's hard to believe that in 2 days he and I will have been together for 5 months. Not that I'm counting or anything. *smiles*

In other news, I really need to quit reading the news:

Infertility and Cancer

As if I didn't need something else to worry about. According to the article those with primary infertility (like me) have a greater chance(like twice the normal chance) of developing uterine and ovarian cancer. I suppose this is something I need to get checked out since I've never had one of them "down there" exams. Knowing my luck though...

Um anyway.

You know what?

I'm happy.

I'm hyper.

I'm mostly content.

I'm in love.

I am loved.

It's a good feeling.

Happy 4th of July kiddos!

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