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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
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Rants and Paranoia

07/14/2005 - 1:23 p.m.

I have been having some seriously weird dreams as of late. The night before I had a dream that involved my dad. Now, my dad is sometimes in my dreams but never in this capacity. This time I had some questions that I needed answers to and he's the only one that could answer them, but oddly enough everytime he would open his mouth to tell me what I needed to hear, something would happen elsewhere in the dream and I'd never get my answer. Perhaps it's a sign that I don't need to know the answers or that I'm not supposed to have the answers. Who knows?

*rant time*

Why is it that people have such an aversion to actually PULLING into a parking space? Why do they have to sit there and block traffic while they BACK into a parking space? It's strange because I don't seem to recall when I took my driving test about oh 11 years ago having to master the ability to BACK into a space. I didn't even have to parallel park although I can do it better than most men can since I had to do it for 2 years when I went to college since all the parking spaces were normally taken by the time I got on campus. BUT WHY BACK INTO A SPACE?? Be a NORMAL person and just pull into the space like everyone else does!!

*end rant*

David called last night while I was out procuring a diet Dr Pepper and a can of Sugar Free Red Bull. As I was driving he said "yeah I thought I'd call and harass you"

The wheels in my brain started turning and I had to say:

"You know, I really wish you wouldn't look at calling me as harassing me since you're not harasssing me"

"I know, I'm just being faceticious"

A conversation ensued from that point and it came out that he thought that I was trying to be nice about dumping him because I never call him. I explained that I never call because I didn't know what time he got off work and that I know that his stepdad goes to bed early and I didn't want to bother anyone and get anyone in trouble etc etc.

Then afterwards, I started getting paranoid:

"I thought that maybe you were just trying to be nice and dump me"

"No, that's the farthest thing from my mind"



"If you ever want to be just friends just tell me ok?"

"Trust me if that time ever came I would"


*record screeches to a halt*

Wait a minute. Should I be reading between the lines here? Now I'm all paranoid like thinking that he wants to dump ME.

I hate paranoia.

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