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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
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Weight Loss Ramble

07/27/2005 - 4:15 p.m.

Wow two entries in less than 3 hours must be a new record. Ok not really, but I realized that there were some other things that I wanted to say in my last entry but I'm too lazy to go back and edit and besides, it probably deserves its own entry anyway.*lol*

The first thing is that I'm finding that I'm becoming a little obsessive about my weight again. You should have seen my shopping list for the next 2 weeks:

2 lb bag of rice
1 jar of salsa
1 box of low fat saltines
5 cartons of yogurt
1 package of sliced cheese
2 packages of sliced deli meat
2 6 packs of diet pepsi
4 bottles of flavored water(already gone)
2 boxes of lean pockets(already gone)

I'm planning out my dinner for tonight...I'm going to make 2 small potatoes and mix some cheese and salsa together*to make a cheesy sauce* and then I plan on exercising for about 2 hours but I haven't decided what exercises to do yet but I feel energetic and wild and free etc etc etc.

And part of me feels like I'm in some sort of competition with David. (we're both trying to lose weight) But I know that it's not really a competition.

Anyway, Just wanted to ramble about that for a moment.

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