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Nosy People and A Rant

07/31/2005 - 10:14 p.m.

I swear to God everytime I visit my grandmother I get a twitch. This usually happens when she mentions Amanda...or Amanda's mother. I'm SICK of hearing about BOTH of them. I DON'T FUCKING CARE ANYMORE!!

So Amanda's mother has a big fucking mouth and talks out of it usually about things that she has no clue about. Such as trying to cause my grandmother to worry etc etc. Insinuating that I'm a drunken slut to God Only Knows Who the whole gamut. Well you know what? I'm tired of it and if I EVER see that woman *Amanda's mother* again I will SLAP THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF HER JUST ON PRINCIPLE!

Secondly, the second I walk in the door, after barely saying hi, the first thing out of her mouth is about how David and I are doing?

"Are you and Dave (she calls him Dave) still together?"

*giving the 'eye' because um...1:what business is it of yours? and 2: why are you so concerned?*

*putting on a smile and nodding* "Of course."

"I saw that look, you two aren't married to each other are you?"

(you took the 'evil eye' to mean we got married??!!??)

"Um no, hello??? We've only been together six months"


A simple one hour visit, shouldn't take up 3 hours of my time you know. But it does...and I end up with 'the twitch'...

My next rant is about baby showers.

I'm sorry, but if you've already got two relatively young children, you've most likely already had 2 baby showers. If you were planning on having a third child, you should have SAVED the things from the first two showers instead of throwing yourself a shower to get even more loot that you will most likely throw out as well. People like this make me ill. Now there are some people that will say "well the new parents will need things like diapers and wipes and stuff and that stuff is expensive!!"

News flash:

Children Are Expensive.

When you start thinking about adding another kidlet to your brood take the cost of 'supplies' for this drooling, pooping, peeing carbon copy of yourself.

When you find out that you're expecting yet ANOTHER bundle o' joy keep in mind, you have NINE FUCKING MONTHS to prepare for this. Start stocking up NOW on those diapers, onesies, towels, drool cloths, wipes, shampoos *tearless only please!* and various creams to keep your baby in tip top clean and smelling sweet. Don't hit up your family, friends, co-workers, friends or people on the street for this stuff. You're supposedly a financially secure and responsible adult. Part of that responsibilty includes buying the stuff for this kid YOURSELF.

Now you're still probably giving me the 'but it's so expeeeeeeeensive!!' bleat. Well yeah it's expensive, that's why you make cutbacks to have the money for this. If you couldn't afford the third or fourth or whatever number kid WHY THE HELL DID YOU SPREAD YOUR LEGS ANYWAY?? Don't go out to dinner so much, less outings, you don't really NEED that dress you know...

Don't get me wrong, I love kids and want at least one myself but GODDAMN, if you're gonna live your life like a baby incubator at least know how to prepare instead of throwing a party for something that you should have been prepared or preparing for right now!

That concludes this rant.

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