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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Still Alive

05/14/2007 - 3:35 p.m.

Yeah I'm still here. I know I know...I keep saying that I'm going to update in here more often but somehow 'more often' never seems to get here. I've even been neglecting my MySpace blog as of late. Kinda sad really when you get down to it.

On the other hand, the blogs...this one especially, started as a form of 'therapy' for me and for the last few months, I havent really NEEDED the therapy so to speak.

However, I've discovered a new use for the blogs. Well I'm going to start a new one anyway.

You see, I've suddenly become all political. Yeah. Me...*lol* Not really that odd but rather unexpected when you get down to it.


In other news, I started having back trouble again which has necessitated a LOA from the hallowed halls of WallyWorld. But even worse...I ended up getting an upper respiratory infection which left me with a middle ear infection (not outer or inner...noooo I had to be all different...)

But the downside of this is that I'm now almost completely deaf...in what was my GOOD EAR. I'm hoping that this is just temporary and once the infection clears up I'll be able to hear again, but quite honestly I'm not exactly holding my breath on that one because I've been on the antibiotics for the past 2 days and there appears to be no improvement.

This sucks.

It used to be that my biggest fear was dying in a fire, but over the last few years my biggest fear is going completely deaf.

I'm getting a taste of it now and I must admite that I do NOT like it one bit.

Poor hubby pretty much has to stay completely glued to me in order to 'translate' for me. That and he uses a pad and pencil to write things down for me. Slowly my BAD EAR is trying to pick up the slack.

Oh well...I REALLY hope that this is just temporary. I can't watch TV unless I have the closed captioning as it is and a lot of times programs aren't CC'd for us hard of hearing folks.

Someone should complain about that...

I think I'll be the one to do that.

In political matters, a question that has been gnawing at me is this...

If Bush was technically 'appointed' the president by the Supreme Court (of Fools). Appointed. Not elected. Appointed, but 'technically' won the election in 2004...doesn't this TECHNICALLY mean that this is really only his FIRST term as opposed to his second thus making him eligble for reelection in 2008??

If you look at it in those terms then TECHNICALLY the answer should be yes?

Please don't let the White House see it that way, If Dubya gets a third term based on a technicality I SWEAR I'll just leave the country...

I can see it now...King George the Second, prancing in the Oval Office, his crown askew...

"I am Evil Ho-MER I am Evil Ho-MER"

Thanks to msn.technzine.nl for the image

Wait..make that "I am King George yeah, I am King George yeah..."

Thanks to about.com for the image

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