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Walk Out!

02/24/2013 - 9:57 p.m.


That's what I yelled last Monday after I told my job to fuck off. Okay, so it wasn't quite like that:


As I mentioned in my last entry, I FINALLY got promoted after almost five years with the company. If you've kept up, you know that I've had NOTHING but trouble with Corporate so I kinda had a feeling that the whole thing was just a set up anyway.

I was correct. Not surprised.

The Evil Corporate Scum (Kathy), has for whatever reason, had a target on my ever expanding ass for years. I think it probably has to do with the fact that after I had the office do an investigation, I ended up getting her little golden girl in some trouble after they determined I was telling the truth.

The week I was promoted is when she set out to get rid of me once and for all. In KY you can't just fire someone, you have to create a paper trail to make it justifiable, unlike in TN. The paper trail started that very week. And continued every week until last week.

The fact that I was getting written up for following the company policy was enough. The final straw was the retaliation for that. I pulled the page from the policy handbook that everyone had to sign and pretty much pointed out why I was right and they were idiots.

So last week I get yet another write up which said that I didn't do my job, refused to do my job and that my paperwork was continually wrong. We'll overlook that due to scheduling I hadn't done the paperwork in over a week.

After five years of various bullshit like this (including the fact that the woman could not even get my name correct, much less the length of time I'd been with the company)I sat in the office at the store, looked at the manager, stood up, stripped my shirt off, threw it on the floor, apologized to her and said that I was sorry but I was done dealing with Kathy's bullshit and to tell Kathy I said to go fuck herself.

And walked out.

Yes, I had a tank top on under my shirt. But it had arranged itself in such a way that it looked like I walked out of the store, full of customers, in nothing but a bra and jeans.

It was awesome.

After I got home (and subsequent posting of my resignation on facebook) my phone started blowing up. Evidently me actually quitting was shocking. (Mostly because I waited so long to do it!)

But no worries as I had a new job by the next day which I start this coming up week.

Here's hoping that it's a little less stressful than the previous.

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