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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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06/01/2014 - 9:54 p.m.

My worst fear is coming true.

My hearing, which has been slowly declining since I was 14 and my eardrum was damaged due to an idiot popping a balloon directly in it, has gotten worse.

Enough to where I actually made an appointment to have it checked because it seemed my 'good ear' was losing ability as well.

I was right. As of now, I have less than 50 percent of my hearing left...in either ear. I am, in fact, going deaf. Okay, so I knew it was bad, I just wasn't prepared to learn that it was THIS bad. It's correctable, but...that's not really the point you know?

I'm THIRTY SEVEN YEARS OLD!!!! And evidently have the ears of someone much much MUCH older.

So the audiologist is going to be finangling with the insurance company for me to see what they'll cover, etc and how to proceed after that.

In other news, my wonky wrist, that I evidently sprained in OCTOBER, never healed right for some reason according to the orthopedic doc I saw on Friday. So now I'm stuck in an immobilizing brace til the end of this month, and hoping that the cortisone shot they gave me starts to work. And soon. Because so far, it's NOT working.

I'd ask 'what next' but I think I know better.

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