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I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Fallen Angel

09/12/2003 - 7:55 p.m.

Such a good actress hiding all her pain

Trading her memories for fortune and fame

Just a step away from the edge of a fall

Caught between heaven and hell

Where's the girl I knew a year ago

"Fallen Angel"~Poison

Ok so I haven't updated in a while...been too busy really. Thanks to IdiotBoy*his new name* and his lack of being able to take responsibility for anything I lost the apartment. I'm leaving here tomorrow. Luckily my friend Amanda is letting me move in with her for a few months until I can get back on my feet. Oh yeah...that means I also got fired from my job....on the count of three...THANKS IDIOTBOY. Now how can I justify blaming that on IB? Easy. Had he done what he said he would originally then my rent would be paid and I wouldn't have had to call in and take two days off to try and find a place to live! The second day I called I called TWICE and then the next day I was told that I didn't call at all which everyone knows is bullshit. Therefore......its IdiotBoy's fault.

IB is pissed at me right now too...I won't go into why though. Thats between me and him. But no matter what. My conscience is clean Brian. Regardless of what you think.

I'm having a bad day though. Hence the replaying of the song Fallen Angel...

Hell where WAS I a year ago? Oh yes...I was happy and content, had just started school again after a 4 year break. Then on Monday, September 16th all hell breaks loose and thats what I've been dealing with ever since.

IdiotBoy decided to leave but not bother to tell me until after he was gone. Evidently my psycho inlaws came down and asked if he wanted to go back with them and he said sure. He left me a voice mail. I didn't hear from him for EIGHT DAYS. I took off work to try and contact him with NO LUCK. I filed a police report because it appeared that he had been taken forceably. After eight fucking days he decides to call. He decides to come home. He comes home we get fired from our jobs and that brings us to why I am now having to move yet again thanks to him. I hate him. Have I mentioned that lately I may not have.

I just can't deal with this shit right now. I'll write more later.

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