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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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miserable failure

12/07/2003 - 4:47 a.m.

Heh heh...go to Google.com, type in 'miserable failure' and click the "I'm feeling lucky" button...verrrrrrrrrrrry interesting*lmao*

Rash update:

It's almost gone!! I fear there may be some scarring due to all the itching...gotta remember, I itched for a month solid pretty much and well...sratching+itching=broken skin=scarring but if there is, it can easily be covered up with make up. I look almost completely normal again. And I no longer have the desire to scrape my face off using the cheese grater...Well c'mon...it really itched!

IB called me today and left a voicemail on my phone, once again it sounded like he was really upset...so naturally...I freaked...again...I really wish he'd quit doing that. Well I know he's not doing it on purpose...but still...


I'm off for the next two days. And I'm off from next sunday til friday (the 16th-19th)...Granted I will probably be miserable during all that time since thats when I'll be having my wisdom teeth yanked out...but it'll be nice to not have to go to work with my mouth all swollen and shit..

On the 21st I'm going to the Every Mother's Nightmare show at ExitIn here in Nashville. I went to the Bret Michaels show on Sunday, granted I felt like shit and ended up getting lost and thought I'd never find the place but I did. And even though I was miserable due to said rash I had a good time :)

*rant time*

I hate the word "chatty". There's something about that word that just totally rubs me the wrong way. I can't really explain it...to me it sounds almost condescending. I know it isn't but thats just the way my fucked up mind works I guess*lol*

*rant over*

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