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Debate Gone Wrong

11/03/2004 - 1:00 a.m.

This started out as a political debate and it turned kinda nasty: I post this for no other reason than because I can.

Him : Trust me, all you fuckers who are voting for Kerry will be bitching about it a few months down the road if he does win. Kerry sux. And I dont say that because I am Republican. I would have voted for John McCain..who is Democrat. But not Kerry...he sux and his wife is satan.

leah_m25: well that's the beauty of this country, you can have your opinion and i can have mine

Him : More than half the people voting for Kerry give the reason as to why they are voting for Kerry as " We dont like Bush ". What kind of reason is that? So you dont like Bush. Why vote for someone else whom you have no idea if he will be better or worse? Makes no sense to me.

Him: Most who are voting for Kerry are atheist, pagan, etc when it comes to religion. And pro abortion, gay marriage, etc. You know, all the people who think they "know" but really dont know shyt.

leah_m25: EXCUSE ME I happen to BE a pagan and have been since I was 14 thank you very much, and I am not PRO abortion, I am PRO CHOICE. I nor anyone else has the right to tell a woman what she can or can not do with her body. AND considering that I am INFERTILE you would think I'd think the exact opposite. Gay marriage? Not my cup of tea but if you love someone, why should you NOT be able to marry them and have the same rights and liberties as heterosexual couples?

Him : If you are Pagan you are confused anyway. So beleive me, I am not saying I dont understand why you would vote for Kerry...I am just saying most that are no NOTHING about him...they just dont like Bush. Dont you think it is ignorant to vote someone in that you know little about? Look at his record in congress....half the time he doesnt even know what he is voting for...sheesh!

Him: ^know nothing.

Him : I have watched Kerry the last 8 years in congress as well as other congressman.....Kerry should not be president. That opinion is from observing him...not because I am republican. Like I said, I would vote for a few other democrats...but not Kerry.

leah_m25: Don't attack my religious beliefs and I won't attack yours. I happen to consider myself quite informed on the issues as well as religion in general.Hell I went to a fucking baptist church and taught bible school from 16-18. I may not agree but I KNOW I'm not confused.

Him : Well if you know the bible than you already know the pagan view is wrong. So, um, what are you trying to say?

leah_m25: well considering that paganism was alive and well well before christianity came into the picture...what were you saying again?

Him : I'm not perfect and I do alot of shit I wish I didnt.....but I have always known the truth. To deny it is ignorance.

Him : Considering God was here before all, including humans trying to be more than they are, what were YOU saying again?

Him : God made man. Man made paganism. My question: Why would I worship the creation instead of the Creator? Do you tell the painting that it is good...or the the painter who made it?

leah_m25: Considering that people existed before God was created in a book, written by a bunch of monks who were locked up in a tower by the king and forced to write what the king wanted to hear...you were saying? Oh yeah, the bible mentions nothing about dinosaurs...if God created all...why no mention of them, they obvioulsy existed

Him : It does. It mentions land dinosaurs called Behemoth and sea dinosaurs called Leviathans. Also, it mentions DNA, the weather cycles, pretty much everything that science didnt "discover as fact" until the 19th century.

Him : As a matter of fact there are ALOT of things mentioned in the bible that science didnt confirm until recently. Unless you think the "humans" back than were more advanced than we are now, it pretty much means the Bible is the truth.

leah_m25: The bible tells an interesting story, no doubt, but that's all it is...a story. Which like all stories, can be twisted to fit any set of criteria you want it to fit to suit your needs

Him : oh bull

Him : Beleive or dont beleive. Everyone has the choice.

leah_m25: exactly, which is why i stated originally don't judge mine and i won't judge yours

Him : Besides, everything I know about the bible is available to you and everyone else. It just depends on whether or not you dig into it for the truth or just roll your eyes and say " twisted, blah blah "

leah_m25: we can agree to disagree, you can say I'm going to Hell whatever, I just happen to not believe that hell exists.

Him : Alot of people who are there now beleived the same thing. I am not surprised by that statement.
leah_m25: However, I do believe that Christ existed, and that he was a very important and revered man in his time, I just do not happen to belive that he was the son of God

Him : Neither do the Jews.

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