~Major Arcana~

High Priestess
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The current mood of missmaggie03 at www.imood.com Current Reads
Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
New Article - 09/13/2014
New Article - 09/13/2014
�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Update on Me

06/12/2005 - 6:57 p.m.

Well, here it is a new week. I really don't have much to update on per se. Talked to a few of my friends today and that was about it. I did cook some dinner which has fairly effectively made me feel bloated and blah. But I already feel blah...as in wonky. I guess I got more stressed out last week than I thought I did and now I'm feeling it big time.

You ever been depressed but NOT suicidal yet you want to hurt yourself but NOT die? That's what I'm feeling like right now. I've been taking my meds so I don't understand why I'm feeling like this. If that doesn't make any sense I'll try to explain. I'm depressed, yet my mind is going a million miles a minute and I want it to stop and the only thing that can take my mind off it is doing something ANYTHING...I haven't today but I want to if that makes sense. Probably doesn't.

I tried to call my therapist the other day to see if I can get an earlier appointment and he was supposed to have called me back but never did. Fucker...I hope this isn't a sign of how my sessions are going to be. I'd gotten a good vibe from him. Anywho.

Other than that I don't have much else to say. So I guess I'll wrap this up and watch the Sopranos or something since it's been forever and a day since I've seen it.

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