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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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The WeatherPixie

Sometimes it's a Bitch

11/25/2003 - 3:37 a.m.

Sometimes it's a bitch...sometimes it's a breeze

Sometimes loves blind...and sometimes it sees

Sometimes it's roses...and, sometimes it's weeds

Sometimes it's a bitch...

Sometimes...it's a breeze

~Sometimes it's a Bitch~Stevie Nicks

I'm tired.

I'm on edge.

I'm trying my damndest to push everyone away.

I feel like I have to now...in order to protect myself. From what you ask?


If I push them away, then maybe, just maybe...

I won't get hurt anymore.

fat chance

*sigh* No matter what I do, what I say...it's inevitable though. I always end up hurt and angry.

Half the time, the people involved don't even realize they've done it.

Other times...

they don't care.

The rest of the time?

Who knows.

More hurt than angry though. Anger I can handle. Hurt is harder to deal with.

Especially when you've brought it upon yourself.

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