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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Ranting, Raving and the like

04/27/2004 - 3:12 p.m.

I got ambitious last night and moved the dining room table into my bedroom. This was a nightmare and a half since I couldn't quite figure out how to get it through the bedroom door. But after the realization that if I slid it through at an angle it'd fit, I got all my computer stuff set up on it. Now I can sit in a chair as opposed to the floor to type and stuff.

Where do I sleep now you ask? Well since the roomie is out of town til August I just sleep in her room. Had the cat not popped my airbed again I'd still be sleeping in my room.

I went to Wallyworld yesterday and got some regular air mattresses, but it didn't quite work out the way I had intended. Oh well.

I also set up the new printer my mom gave me only to find that it didn't include a USB cable. Whoever heard of it not being included??? Luckily I have a spare one that will work, I just gotta find it.

I'm almost out of Trazodone. I have one 100 mg pill left. This sucks. I don't get paid til Thursday and then I gotta call my shrink and beg for him to write me a script for it so I can get some more. The Trazodone was given to me by the shrink at the hospital and he only gave me enough for 30 days (100mg tablets) but my regular shrink increased it to 200 a day...thus leaving me with only one pill left now. Hopefully if I take it tonight I'll be able to sleep. I just tried to call his office but it's closed on Tuesdays...blargh.

I may break down and take the Geodon tonight. I know that one of the possible side effects is drowsiness so if I take it in addition to my lone Trazodone I'll get some sleep.

Right now I'm waiting for my lunch to cook. Yeah I know its late afternoon and this is actually my breakfast but still.

By the way...my back hurts. If anyone wants to send a masseuse this way feel free...I could use it.

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