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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
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32 Pennies in a Ragu Jar...aka 42 Things About Moi

05/11/2004 - 4:06 p.m.

I stole this from the one and only bindyree. =) Hope she doesn't mind...

1~I am very opinionated. Don't ask unless you want the truth as I see it. And if you don't like what I have to say...I warned you.

2~I have my own online store. There are no products as of yet because my graphic design skills suck.

3~My favorite books are the Xanth series by Piers Anthony.

4~I fall in love quickly and become disillusioned just as fast.

5~I develop crushes as well. The crushes and loves are part of what caused my marriage to end.

6~I smoke Marlboro Lights and Camel Turkish Gold ciggies.

7~I used to have a 2 pack a day habit.

8~My hometown was almost the capital of Tennessee.

9~The North Carolina state line used to be a mile down the road I lived on.

10~I am losing my hearing which really sucks. Especially since my job is over the phone and I CAN'T HEAR!

11~I am the 80s hairband queen.

12~I have seen 6 shows in 10 years. 4 of which were last year.

13~I'm seeing a show this Friday. But it's not a hairband. It's Fleetwood Mac.

14~I can see a lot of myself in Stevie Nicks. Or vice-versa.

15~I am a recovering alcoholic. This is part of the reason I went into the hopital last month because the last time I was drunk, I came close to trying to kill myself.

16~I have a mental illness. I am diagnosed as having Bipolar 1. This means that my last episode was either manic or mixed. It was mixed but the depression during the mixed episode is what landed me in the hospital after my last drinking binge.

17~I take 4 drugs everyday to try and control the Bipolar: Lexapro, Trileptal, Trazodone and Geodon. It's not really working, because I'm still swinging badly. Mostly manic but the depression is starting to creep back in.

18~I also see a therapist weekly and a psychiatrist every 3 weeks. I like them both because they listen to me.

19~I drive a 2000 Dodge Neon that is forest green. It was the first car I bought new.

20~My car hasn't started since December 25th 2003.

21~I called the towing company to have it towed so it could be repaired but they haven't shown up yet.

22~I get easily agitated when I'm manic.

23~I also become hypersexual. I don't fuck anyone but I get very horny.

24~I drink Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper. They are my two favorite NON alcoholic drinks.

25~My favorite alcoholic drinks are bloody marys,screw drivers and southern comfort and mello yello.

26~I have been divorced for 2 and a half weeks.

27~I think I will eventually get married again, but not anytime soon.

28~I love cats, but am not too fond of dogs.

29~I collect various things such as musical snowglobes, rabbits and candles.

30~Most of my friends are male because I get along with them better than I do females.

31~This was also an issue in my marriage because I spent a lot of time venting to my male friends instead of talking to my husband.

32~I love downloading music. Most of it I already have on CD but I don't feel like switching CDs all the time.

33~I live with my friend Amanda and her hubby. Neither one are here right now as he's stationed in Japan and she's in North Carolina til August.

34~I work for a cell phone company. I am in fact, a cell phone geek :)

35~I love buying shoes. I prefer boots with 3-4 inch heels.

36~I have large feet. I wear a 8-9 depending on how the shoe is made.

37~My mom says I have Fred Flintstone feet. What she doesn't know is that my senior year in high school the senior predition for me was 'She will start a driving school and demonstrate the Fred Flintstone method of braking' because the first day of classes I was driving and I took a curve too sharply and my engine locked up. I had slowed down enough to jump out of the car, grab the wheel and using my feet pull the car over to the shoulder enough to keep it from rolling down the embankment. All by using my feet.

38~I've had back problems ever since doing that though.

39~I can type 80-120 wpm depending on how much of a hurry I'm in.

40~At work my speed goes down to about 30 because I use shorthand.

41~I'm a romantic at heart, and a very sappy one at that. There's nothing I would love more than to recieve poetry and flowers and just spend time cuddling with the one I love.

42~I didn't think that I could think of 42 things to say about myself but I guess I just did! :)

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