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Would You Like A Squishy Nymphomaniac?

05/11/2004 - 5:45 p.m.

Actually, this was a phrase that came up in the "Random Surrealism Generator" and I thought it deserved the honor of being the title for this entry.
Several points need to be made here:
1~I *AM* squishy.


2~I'm *NOT* a nymphomaniac. Only in my dreams *wink wink*

Now, you may be asking yourselves...well what kind of Dreams are they?

Well they ARE Sex Dreams. But not like Down and Dirty...if you read the previous post, you know that I'm a sappy romantic, and well...that's the kind of Sex Dreams I have. No slam, bam, thank you ma'am. Actual Lovemaking. There's a plot, there's a rhyme and reason. And there's Emotion.

Emotion is the most important element for sex, dreams or otherwise. Without emotion and feeling, what's the point? I've had true romantic sex, and I've had emotionless, meaningless sex which sucked. Knowing me, you know which one I preferred. I like emotional sex, mainly because I have a hard time showing ANY emotions really. But I've learned, I can't FUCK for the sake of FUCKING. I've done that, and I could barely live with myself after that. It's still something I have yet to reconcile with myself. I still beat myself up over it. I know this is getting into things that I haven't explained here and quite honestly, I plan on keeping it that way. There are those who do know what I'm talking about though. They're the ones I trust. Not that I don't trust ya'll dear readers but I do have to keep Some Secrets.

Anyway, for me...the next time I have sex, I want it to be for emotion. Preferrably love. But definately have some Actual Meaning to it.

Catch my drift?

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