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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
New Article - 09/13/2014
New Article - 09/13/2014
�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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The One About Matthew

07/25/2004 - 3:54 p.m.

As I was looking over my previous entries and a comment in a YM from a friend, I realized that out of all the people that I've talked about here in these pages I forgot a very important person!


The person in question is a very good friend of mine named Matthew. He doesn't have a diary, otherwise I'd link ya up...

Anyway...Who is he you're asking yourselves? Well he's only the sweetest (regardless of what he says!)most caring, compassionate person I know. And he's helped me QUITE A BIT in the past few months.

*Plus he also did a nifty thing with my yahoo profile so I have a cool looking name when I'm in the BP room.*lol*

Anyway...back to my point. I've kicked myself after realizing that I've never mentioned him before.

We met back in...April I believe after I was dx'd and he's been a great source of information *not to mention inspiration* to me. He's logged numerous hours on the phone and online, talking to me especially when I was in really bad shape back in May. He even called me several times while I was in the bin this last time...even though I BARELY recall this...I was just a TAD bit snowballed....:-p

And when I went off my meds in CO because I was running out, he made phone calls from his house in OH to try and find me a way to get them in CO... I must say, he's gone above and beyond what I ever could have imagined and quite honestly, I'm not sure HOW I can repay him...

And did I mention...he's a hottie???? *note to IB...he's also married so fucking CHILL*

Anyway, That's the story about Matthew, I'll make sure to talk about him more from now on...especially since I know he reads this!!! *grins*

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