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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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The WeatherPixie

The One About The Traffic

07/27/2004 - 11:26 p.m.

People do not know how to drive.

No, seriously. I left for work at my usual time of 2:30...actually, I left 7 minutes EARLY. It takes me 35 minutes to get to work. That means I have TWENTY FIVE minutes to spare daily.

Today this would not happen. I was zipping along I-65 per usual when all of a sudden...traffic was at a sudden stop. For no apparent reason that I could see. I guess there may have been an accident or something of the like, I don't know. I realized that this was just NOT GOING TO WORK and got off on Charlotte Avenue. I tend to avoid Charlotte Ave because that's where The Bin is located. Anyway, I got off on that street and I swear people must have forgotten what a gas pedal was...

*tick tick tick*

28 minutes to get to work...

It took me 10 minutes to get down a mile and a half stretch of street.

*tick tick tick*

18 minutes to get to work...

Turn on to Elliston Place, glance at the marquee of Exit/In to see if any good shows are coming. Traffic stops...

*tick tick tick*

10 minutes...

Gas, Green, GO..See the correlation? I do, but evidently no one else does. Get stuck at the light between Elliston and West End Ave.

Finally get on West End Ave.

*tick tick tick tick tick*

8 minutes...

Get to the turn to get on the I-440. Nearly sideswipe a pickup truck.


4 minutes

Get on the Harding Place exit...I have five minutes now. Speeding...Turn onto Trousdale...Zip into the parking lot. Find a CLOSE space amazingly...

*tick tick tick*

2 minutes

Run get tangled in seatbelt...belt gets caught in door. Fix myself. Attempt to run...wearing 4 inch heels as we had to dress up today...


I'm 3 minutes late.

ARUGH. But since I can't clock in anyway...and I had to find a seat...It all balances out. But...WHEN WILL PEOPLE LEARN TO DRIVE???!!!

I hate TN drivers....

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