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09/02/2004 - 7:37 p.m.

Well I'm back here at work after enjoying my lovely two days off.

And I still don't know what crime, real or imagined, I have committed. The only indication I have is that it has something to do with a claim I was in on Monday or Tuesday, which means that it doesn't involved the incident I referred to earlier. Unless...someone has their time frames mixed up. And around this joint, anything's possible.

However, I'd like to know sometime this evening, what I have done to warrant a supervisor from a different department emailing about a claim I was in. I haven't transferred any customers to that department as we're not allowed to. The ONLY other thing I can think of is the rep that called over here to have me complete a claim and the call dropped on transfer and then I got another call right after it.

If they try to blame the rep dropping the call on me, all I can say is...


I'm not responsible for whether or not another rep knows how to transfer a call and I'm certainly not responsible for getting another call directly after that made it impossible for me to call the customer back.

I hate this waiting though. I'd like to know what I'm up against so I can plan my defense accordingly.

Hmm...2 hours later...and still no clue...

Stay tuned for the conclusion of this saga...

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