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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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I Got Kicked Out of Starbucks!

11/04/2004 - 1:17 a.m.

Well today was the coffee date. It went quite well I think. I wore my blue skirt with my black silk shirt and my knee high black leathe boots. My hair behaved for the most part and my makeup didn't smear.

I got to Starbucks a little before 5. Ordered my frappucino, and sat down on one of the big squishy chairs near the door. I read the paper for a while as I sipped my drink and then had a ciggie. I was done with my drink at this point and settled back down in the chair. At this time I was getting nervous thinking that M wasn't going to show up. I had the paper stuck up in my face and had lowered the corner of it a bit to see the door. When I saw someone walk in I snapped the corner back up quickly. A few minutes later I see the shadow of someone walking toward my corner and hear a chair scrape back. Me, being all slick with my paper still hiding myself, turn slowly to look in the window at the reflection. I hear a voice say, "I know that's you, I can do the window thing too"

Slowly I lower the paper and burst out laughing. "Hiiiiiiii"

So things took off from there and we're gabbing our heads off and the next thing we know the barista comes up and says "I have to ask you to leave"

Turns out they were closing...

It was now 10pm!!

So we go out to the parking lot and stood in front of the Cingular store yakking for another hour and a half*lmao*

Note to IB: M was a perfect gentleman and didn't lay a hand on me. The 2ft of personal space rule was in effect*lol*

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