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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Blunders and Bloops

11/08/2004 - 4:29 p.m.

Well this is fun, I finally got my corrected schedule AFTER I came in today...at 230...

Now, I get to stay til midnight. Great. Granted the additional one hour of overtime will be nice though but still. It would have been nice to know that my schedule was screwed up oh...I dunno...THREE DAYS AGO!!

However, if anyone tries to give me any trouble about this, I am keeping the old schedule close to my person so I can at least have proof that this IS what my schedule said. I never signed anything stating that my schedule had changed and I can only go by what is printed and handed to me.

The good thing is that I am not the only one that this happened to so I'm not in tooooo much trouble, though granted I shouldn't be in ANY but I digress.

I also turned in my shift bid form. I did chose a 4x10 shift as my first choice but the rest were all 5x8.5's with the different days off. I probably won't get my first choice*lol* but that's ok. The last choices I had were the 3x12's and the shifts that started before noon. I'm lucky to be concious before noon so those shifts are completely out!*laughs*

I also have another 'note a date it's just coffee' tomorrow night at 10pm with M at Waffle House. We finalized the plans for it last night.

Quote of the evening: "Oh Gawd, we're not gonna get kicked out of WH too are we?*lol*' (that was by me)

The "2 Feet of Personal Space" rule is still in effect and I plan on keeping it that way. This is also known as the "If You Value Your 'Nads and Your Life, You Will Not Touch Me" rule.

I also talked with D last night, who is slowly starting to NOT buy my excuses for not coming to see him. Sad thing is, I really wasn't making it up...I just can't seem to find the words to say "Dude, you seriously freak me out and I don't feel comfortable being in the same room with you..."

This weeks excuse: "Money is tighter than I thought it would be."

It's actually partially true. Money is tight this week, but if I had really WANTED to, I could have taken a little...trip.


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