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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
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The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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So Tired

11/11/2004 - 3:33 p.m.

Owie...You know...to be in this much pain you'd think I'd had gratuitous boinkage or something*lol* But nope, all of this is strictly from "The Amazing Tricks of Miss M" *aka* "Hanging Out of a Car Window at 4am in the Morning"


I slept most of the day yesterday, waking up long enough to eat and then promptly fell back asleep til 1230 this morning. Then I got back up, ate again*there we go with the eating geez!!no wonder I'm a fat cow* and talked to a few folks online. C called me at around 430ish and I got to play armchair psychologist as usual. At least this time he didn't fall asleep on me although I got to hear about some videogame...

What is it with men and videogames? I don't get it! And why do they think they can hold a conversation and play at the same time???

Needless to say...I fell asleep this time...

I also talked to IB yesterday which proved to be rather pointless as I've determined that I'm still peeved as all get out...Just call me 'Lady With the Acid Tongue'...

All in all everything is peachy, the weather is dark, rainy and gloomy and get this...I DON'T CARE..

I stepped on the scale before I went to work today and realized that I'm at the exact same weight I was 3 weeks ago...time to quit eating again...and keep it up...Luckily tomorrow is payday...yay payday...

I just wish it were Tuesday, then I could go back to sleep. I'm just so tired!!!

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