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I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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11/26/2004 - 4:20 a.m.

A man like you can never change
A man such as you...

~The Confrontation~Les Miserables Soundtrack

I've been waiting for this moment for many months. Actually a year, but it's sweeter now for some reason.

Before you say a word, Yes...Yes I AM a bitch, thank you.

As I've stated all along, IB is one of those people who will never change. Never. And though he's tried to convince me that he has in the past, I always knew better...

Today he proved it.

As you know, IdiotBoy has a girlfriend. At this point, I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for,but that's neither here nor there...they probably do not have the agreement that cyber and phone sex is cheating but if they don't...they should now...

The conversation did not start out in a sexual manner mind you and the last thing I want is sex of ANY manner with him. But, if I see a window of opportunity to prove myself right, I'm going to take it. My commentary will be italicized for your reading pleasure:

idiotboy : i hate not being able to sleep
MissM: awwww poor baby
MissM: I know the feeling not today though, I slept most of the day and took an 'after turkey nap'
idiotboy : too horny sorry for the tmi horny?What else is new?And why do I get the feeling I know where you're gonna go with this?
MissM: no problem. I know the feeling there too*lol* actually I do
idiotboy : damn shame
MissM: why is that a damn shame?
idiotboy : nothing just thinking that's a first
MissM: don't do that...that's dangerous
idiotboy: yes especially what i was thinking I know what's coming now...shall I ask? Or shall I let it go?
MissM: ahhhh and dare i ask what you were thinking? I feel like seeing how this plays out
idiotboy : our old phone convos
MissM: ahhhhhh I actually try to forget those, thanks
MissM: *starts thinking highly of herself* And I should actually...I KNOW I'm better than her...

At this point he sent me a smiley with his tongue sticking out

MissM: I'm gonna tell you the same thing I tell everyone else who uses that smiley...don't stick that thing out at me unless you plan on using it And I do, it's a running gag
idiotboy: i would if youd let me fucking perv...what about your girlfriend??? Oh wait, I know what I can do now...*evil thought forms**giggles*
MissM: ohhhhh???
MissM: sets plan into motion...I'm gonna play your own game against you...and you don't even have a clue do you???
idiotboy : yup
MissM: well then....nope, you don't have a clue...
idiotboy: yes?? The hook...if you know what's best you won't take the bait...
MissM: wanna? The bait...if you have ANY respect for your corporate goth fuckstick you'll say no...prove to me that you at least have SOME respect for your new relationship because you sure as hell didn't for ours...prove me wrong...PLEASE!
idiotboy : sure fucker...you're mine now...
MissM: ok this will be good...oh yes...
idiotboy : in a bit im downloading right now be a couple of minutes
MissM: k I hope you're thinking about what you're about to do...and back out, because you don't want me to do THIS
idiotboy: you sure your ok with this?
MissM: yes But of course, I'm perfectly fine with exposing your sorry ass.

So he called. And he did his thing. It should be noted that I used to be a phone sex operator. I know how to fake it and fake it well. I also faked it during our entire marriage because well...he couldn't get me off but that's neither here nor there...The entire time I'm trying to keep from busting a gut laughing because I already have my speech planned for when he's done...

He finishes...I ask him if he had fun. He replies with oh hell yeah, did you?
"babe, I have had more fun than you will EVER know..."
"oh yeah?"
"yup, because you just proved that I was right all along."
"how so?"
"A man like you will never change. And yeah, I was faking it."
"You're right I'm not going to change. And I kinda figured you were."
"Yup, and guess what? For all intents and purposes, you just cheated on your girlfriend. Have a nice day."

Thanks for playing, enjoy your parting gift

And hung up the phone. And now, you have it folks. Idiotboy is the same fucked up screwed in the head asshat he's always been. Now before you say anything, I know that what I did wasn't right. But when someone gives you enough rope to hang themselves with, especially when this person is Idiotboy, wouldn't YOU jump at the chance? And I think he did that just fine...

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