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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
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Just A Short Update

01/17/2005 - 3:29 p.m.

Wow, I didn't realize that it had been so long since I updated. I'm slacking! But no seriously, there really hasn't been much to report as of late. Operation Exposure has taken on a new twist and involves more folks than just me. And just for the record. Everything is legal and no one gets hurt. Just a good ol dose of karma. :)

I'll let you know once everything is complete.

In other pointless boring news in the world of Maggie, I recolored my hair yesterday. Yes, I know I said something about growing old gracefully but the orange hair was driving me bonkers not to mention that it was graying on top and well just did NOT look good. Granted this color that I have it now look pretty cool but I did miss a big ol' stripe of orange but it actually works out quite nicely. The good news is that my hair is not as damaged looking as it was and it actually soft again and not tangled...the biggie of course is:


This whole 'staying out of trouble' thing is harder than it looks too might I add. I keep finding myself agreeing to things that I shouldn't. Like tonight for instance. I have someone coming over that I HAVE to find a way to get out of. I didn't give him the address OR my phone number so it shouldn't be that hard to feign illness. I swear I can be so stupid sometimes. I need a roommate or something to keep me out of trouble.*lmao* Like that's gonna happen though, no one can put up with me because I'm so hermit like and unsociable.

I don't mind people coming over though. As a matter of fact M came over again last week and we had a lot of fun. Although he is of the group that INSISTS that I sound like Betty Rubble when I giggle. It's gotten to the point where all he has to do is snap his fingers and "heeheehee" and um yeah*laughs* He says that he's gonna record that with his phone sometime. I told him that he'd better not.

I think I'll see if he wants to come over this week too.

I just got back from lunch just now and as I pulled out of the parking lot I saw a cop pull someone over*the driver had pulled into the parking lot* so I didn't think anything of it. When I got back from buying food I came back and pulled back into the parking lot and watched the action. Evidently the passenger was arrested. Well no evidently, I saw it*laughs* This is why I like being a people watcher. You never know what's going to happen.

Also, could someone explain to me what exactly chocolate chip cookies have to do with MLK's birthday? I got back from lunch and there's a bag of famous amos cookies on my desk*along with everyone else's desk* with a sticker that reads "In Honor of Martin Luther King Jr's Birthday" I fail to see the correlation...anywho...

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