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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
New Article - 09/13/2014
New Article - 09/13/2014
�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Excuse Me While I ...

02/02/2005 - 2:05 p.m.

I haven't felt this way I feel
Since many a year ago
But in those years and the lifetimes past
I did not deal with the road...

~Fleetwood Mac~Storms

Well, this is a first, the red witch has decided to show up 2 months in a row. Granted she was a week late but the fact of the matter remains that I started getting my PMS symptoms last week and BOOM now she's here...for the second month in a row...

However, I'm in pain. I hate this because I used to NEVER have cramps when I was younger but as I grew older, I started getting them to the point where it hurts to sit up straight. The good news is though at least it'll all be over with by this time next week and I won't have to worry about it until...crud...my birthday heh, yup kiddos in 32 days Miss Maggie will be the big 2-8. Blah...

In other news, I spoke with IB last night. I shouldn't think about these things you know. Because as of late, everytime I do I start to think that I want him back in spite of all the things that happened. But, he's got his CGFS* and whatnot but dammit, he's supposed to be miserable! WHY CAN'T HE BE MISERABLE??!! Was that too much to ask? I guess so, hmm...looks like Bitter Maggie is coming out to play. I thought I'd had her shut up in the closet. Oh well*shrugs*

Stop it Maggie, no use in remembering the past, what's done is done, and that is that. Every time he broke your heart, it's time for HIS heart to be broken for once. THAT'S ALL I'M ASKING FOR. I've had MINE broken too many times to count. I'm tired of it. It's HIS turn now. Ok, I shouldn't be focusing on this while at work. I've shed too many tears in the past over this crap. I'm supposed to be over being hurt, sad and angry. I thought I was. Once again, Miss M was wrong. But my 'campaign to prove that IB is in face an IB' is long over. Righteous anger can only take you so far anyway.

Let it go M, you deserve better, that's why you wouldn't let him come back anyway. Let him make the CGFS* miserable, they're perfect together. And I'm just pleased as punch that his psycho family hates her. BETTER YOU THAN ME SWEETHEART.

But then I start wondering, why can't I be happy with someone? Why am I just destined to be the neighborhood doorknob?(everyone gets a turn) Why am I nothing more than the little sister that needs to be taken care of, or the wiser older sister that doles out helpful advice when asked. Or I am the dreaded title of 'just a friend' I'm tired being 'just a friend' I want MORE. I quit looking a long time ago...

She said
"Everynight he will break your heart"
I should have known from the first
I'd be the broken hearted
But I loved you from the start

Because, everytime...that's how I've ended up...broken hearted. So yea, I'm a bit bitter and cynical now. May as well go out and do what they've done to me, use me and then toss me aside when something better comes along. Who cares. I'm to the point where I DON'T anymore.

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