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Untitled Essay.

04/08/2005 - 12:13 a.m.

As a general rule, we humans are not infalliable. We do however put up our walls to hide behind lest we show the world that we have faults and emotions , the 'chinks' in our armour that we can not and will not share for fear of being seen as weak or pitiful.

Hiding behind our 'tough cookie facades' we show our brave faces that belie our true emotions which lurk beneath the surface only showing what we deem is 'acceptable' to the world. We feel that we have to appear strong and superhuman to though around us that are relying on you to be the tower of strength and hold everything together while deep inside you feel like everything is crashing down around you.

You hide your tears, your hurt, your passion, your anger and your sadness by putting on that brave front. But the front only lasts for so long.

You resort to desperate measures in order to uphold this veil of illusion that you have surrounded yourself in.

Eventually the strain of "being the strong one" becomes too much to bear though.

I know.

I myself spent many a year hiding behind that very same veil. The weight of the world pressing down upon my shoulders til it felt like I couldn't breathe. Many years I killed those feelings by drinking or cutting or simply cutting myself off from the outside world.

It rarely worked though.

You can only be the strong one by admitting that you have weaknesses and not be ashamed of them. No one will think less of you for admitting it. Nine times out of ten as it has been in my case, you are seen as being even stronger for it. Allow yourself to lean on someone, even if for just a moment. Let them put their arms around you and just hold you. No words ever need to be spoken. The bond at that moment is the most powerful emotion known to humankind.

Last night I cried. I cried for those who can not or will not cry for themselves. For I am your shoulder, I am your support, I am your conscience, I am your passion and your anger. You may not even know me, but I am your friend.

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