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Thoughts on Katrina and Gas Prices

09/02/2005 - 3:39 p.m.

Obviously the situation in the Gulf is a nasty one. No doubt about that. Raping, pillaging, looting, people dying in the streets.

But think about it, what's wrong with this picture? We are a highly developed country and yet the people in NOLA are acting like animals with little to no common sense. I understand that the conditions are horrendous and I personally couldn't imagine what it must be like to be IN that situation seeing as how I'm sitting here in my office surrounded by sunshine. But what is wrong with these people? Don't they realize that by their actions they are making their own dire situation that much worse? It's going to get to the point where no one is going to WANT to help them, and why should they? These people wouldn't and won't help themselves first.

It may seem cold and heartless for me to say something like that but sadly it's true though. If you were there wouldn't you have either done something to try and get out to begin with or at least make things easier for those that are actually TRYING to help you? Why bite the hand that's trying to feed you so to speak? It is of my opinion that if the people want to act like animals and behave in such an atrocious manner that they hinder their own rescue efforts then they DESERVE to stay there in the Hell of their own creation.
You don't see things like this happenning in Biloxi or any of the other hard hit towns. You didn't see this after all those hurricanes hit Florida last year.

Is it just the whole mob mentality that has taken over the area? Who knows, but when you look at it from an outsider's eyes, it looks bad no matter how you slice it.

Now as for the rising price of gas? Don't even get me started there. It's up to 3.29 a gallon here in Nashville which is TOTALLY unacceptable.

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