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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Divorce, Maggie Style.

04/14/2010 - 4:02 a.m.

Well, I finally got the stuff started for the divorce from Loser. I'm having to do this myself since I can't afford an attorney and I make too much money for Legal Aid to help me. Go figure. I sent the first batch of paperwork to his last known address on Monday which consisted of the Marital Dissolution Agreement. Heh that's the EASY part of the whole thing. NOW I get to figure out how the actual PETITION is supposed to look like so I can file THAT as well. If I fuck it up then I'm out 170 bucks and have to REFILE it and pay ANOTHER filing fee.

But at anyrate, the paperwork is started and now tis only a matter of time before this whole nightmare is over and done with. DEFINITELY not a moment too soon and I wish it'd been able to be done quicker than this. But...legal aid wouldn't get off their dead asses last year...BAH

Ah well, the process is started and all is well.

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