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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Yulemas wishes

12/24/2003 - 2:08 p.m.

Dear Santa~

I've been a mostly good girl this year...Don't laugh at me I really have! Ok, ok so I haven't been perfect but who is? I mean I didn't kill anyone, I haven't put a curse on anyone..I mean c'mon give me a little credit here. And that whole thing about ___________________________________________? It was temporary insanity I swear! But Santa baby, this letter isn't for me anyway...I'm actually on the search for the perfect gift for a very special friend. Do you think they'll like this? *points to a t-shirt that reads 'I'm with stupid'* Or would they prefer this? *pointing to a photo of herself* Santa baby, I'll leave it up to you to decide, but just remember...I was really,really good this year....REALLY!

Love~Miss Maggie

(disclaimer~yes I know that there is no Santa Claus*lol*)

I do have my own Yule-mas wish for myself...but thats between me, myself and I...

But for everyone else...have a great holiday and be safe.

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