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Miss Maggie@MySpace!!
The current mood of missmaggie03 at www.imood.com Current Reads
Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
New Article - 09/13/2014
New Article - 09/13/2014
�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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The WeatherPixie

Nuts and Bolts

02/27/2004 - 4:21 a.m.

"You ask me if I've known love

And what it's like to sing songs in the rain

Well I've seen love come

I've seen it shot down

I've seen it die in vain"

"Blaze of Glory"~Jon Bon Jovi

Ok, truth be told, I've been having a rough time lately. More so than what I've admitted here. For the last month or so I've vacillitated between "happy obnoxiously perky energy energy energy" to "fuck off leave me the hell alone I can't deal with you I don't want to deal with you just go away". Throw in more alcohol than is normal for one person and well...*shrugs* part of me doesn't care, the other part knows somethings up and knows that its time for it to stop. These mood swings have been going on practically non stop for the last month almost two...hell sometimes they change so drastically almost hourly...it's driving me NUTS!!

At first I thought it was PMS because I am after all...due in 3 days or less now, but when you take into consideration that this has been happening since LAST February if not earlier...I think its safe to assume its not PMS.

So once again in a seemingly rare moment of clarity, I called and made an appointment to start seeing a therapist. Luckily my insurance covers this. I love my benefits. I get my fucked up head taken care of too.

This evening as I left work and went to my car I made the discovery that my drivers side door had frozen shut...joy.

So I go to the passenger side. Luckily it was NOT frozen...however...the car in question is a Cavalier. and its nearly impossible to climb over the console and gearshift...especially when wearing my "feisty boots" You know the ones...knee high and 4 inch heels...so I get the utterly brilliant idea to lean over...and see if I can nudge the drivers side door open....

well it sort of worked...I ended up losing my balance because of the boots and went flying over said console and slamming my shoulder into the door.

Now my left shoulder hurts something awful...and it goes all the way down to my wrist. No I didn't break anything, but I think I may have pinched a nerve or something...so in an attempt to kill the pain, I took one of my left over Lortabs...

It doesn't seem to be working, but if nothing else I'll at least HOPEFULLY get a decent amount of sleep tonight...even though it IS now 20 til 6...

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