~Major Arcana~

High Priestess
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The Fool
Wheel of Fortune
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And now...for something completely different

03/31/2004 - 1:43 p.m.

And now...for something completely different...

In order to get my mind off things I've decided to post album reviews today, All the albums are from my personal collection starting with the most recent:

Peppermint Creeps~Animatron X:

Meet the Peppermint Creeps. At first glance my thought was "Oh my god it's KISS on acid!" I don't think I'm too far off really. The songs here are catchy with a good hook. I've found myself singing along to "Lisa Shot Her Family"(track 11) which reminds me a LOT of The Ramones "Sheena is a Punk Rocker"

Musically the sound is tight, the production however leaves a bit to be desired. The mixing could have been better as in some places it sounds like the band is scrambling to be heard over one another instead of working together as a unit.

But all in all it's good clean*figuratively speaking*fun. There are references to sex:"Lesbian"(track 6),drugs "Coke Whore"(track 3) and of course rock n roll "Creepshow"(track 2). Also there are a few songs about love gone wrong and being burned. "Tuesday"(track 7),"I'll Be Fine"(track 9),"Murdered Maryann"(track 10) and "Fuck Off and Die"(track 14)Sounds like someone's a bit bitter*lol*

The image:nothing fake here. WHATEVER!*lol**see reference to KISS on acid* Actually, it's like Japanese Kabuki theatre of the absurd.Or better yet...anime come to life. I like it, but I'm just weird like that.

All in all, 'Animatron X' gets 4 cans of Aqua-Net on a 5 can scale. I originally gave it a three but I added an extra can because of the pink hair...It was the same shade mine was 4 weeks ago so an extra can for that*lol*

You can visit the Creeps at :peppermintcreeps.net or www.peppermintcreeps.com

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