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Miss Maggie@MySpace!!
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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
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New Article - 09/13/2014
�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Big Ass Survey..stolen

05/04/2004 - 11:35 p.m.


Full name: Shiloh Annaleah M.

Birthday: 03-06-1977

Height: 5� 6"ish

Weight: a lady doesn't tell her weight!

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: multicolor-red and black(orange)

Shoe size: 8

Nicknames: Shay,Shy,Bitch

Birthplace: Clarksville,TN

Hometown: Clarksville,TN

School: APSU

Public/Private: public

Mascot: The Governor

Nationality: American.

Ethnicity: White

Parents: B and C

Religion: Wiccan

Hobbies:Reading, Writing, playing with Bob. convincing my cat that I'm not a tree

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Siblings: spoiled rotten only child baby...yeahhhh

Dream Car: Viper

Pets: Cat.

GPA :.818

Words or phrases you overuse: Fucktard, bitch, whatever, bite my left tit

Piercings/Tattoos: nope, just my ears pierced 2x each

Habits: smoking

Obsessions: sex, internet

Best Advice Ever Given: Don't give up on something once you break it


Salad dressing: Poppyseed

Shampoo or conditioner: Suave

Color: Black

Movie: My Fair Lady, Titanic*shut up!*

Actor: John Malkovich,Nicolas Cage

Actress: Audrey Hepburn

Type of music: Rock,metal, bring on the hairbands, classical

Fast food: Taco Bell

Drink (alcoholic): recovering alcoholic, but my drink of choice was beer or southern comfort

Flower: Roses, Peonies, Buttercups

Fruit: Strawberries ,Watermelon, peaches

Gemstone: Sapphire

Perfume/Cologne: Pleasures

Place/Town: Nashville

Food: spaghetti, sesame chicken.

Ice cream: healthy choice cappucino chunk

Soda: Coke

Sport to watch: Tennis

Sport to play: Volleyball

Holiday: Halloween

Number: 77

Girl�s name: Zoe, Rhiannon

Boy�s name: William

Piece of jewelry:my class ring and my hematite band

Books: The Count of Monte Cristo

Author: Stephen King, Janet Evanovich, Joan Hess

Poem: The Raven

Subject at school: Psychology and Biology

Least favorite subject at school: MATH

Store: Hot Topic, Books A Million

Four letter word: Fuck

Animal: Cat

Board game: Monopoly

Candy: Sour Skittles

Season: Fall

Teacher from High School: My Government teacher...1st day of class...freshman year...big ass debate...I won..and he never let me forget it*lmao*

Word/Phrase: �Bite Me Bitch"

Word or phrase in a foreign language: Je ne porte pas des sous-v�tements

Chemical Element: Arsenic

Song: Welcome to the Jungle~GNR

Musical: My Fair Lady

Band/Musical artist: Motley Crue, Poison,Sarah Brightman, Guns N Roses

Radio station: 92.9

Thing to wear: jeans or miniskirts and concert jerseys

Computer font: Trebuchet

Place to eat: Olive Garden

Conversation topic: Anything

Swear word: Fuck, Shit, Bitch, Cunt

Family member: ME

Game: Diablo

Sports team: The St Louis Rams

*** OR ***

Oranges or apples: apples

Deaf or blind: deaf *already going deaf, don't need to be blind too*

Pools or hot tubs: Hot tubs

Blondes or brunettes: Blondes

Smoker or nonsmoker: smoker

Tall or short? tall

Coke or Pepsi: coke

TV or radio: TV

Lefty or righty: Righty

Fast songs or slow dances: slow dances

Bitter or sweet: sweet

Day or night: night

Diamonds or pearls: diamonds!

Flowers, candy, or a poem: flowers.

Gold or silver: Gold!

Heaven or Hell: don't believe in either

Kissing or hugging: kisses

Love or lust: love

McD�s or BK: BK

Pie or cake: pie

Smiling or laughing: Laughing!

Cookies or brownies: cookies

Milk or iced tea: iced tea

Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

Good lil� angel or bad lil� devil: bad lil devil

Fruit or veggies: Veggies

Video or DVD: DVD

CD or cassette: CD

Silk or leather: leather

New or old: huh?

Rain or snow: rain

Give or receive: receive.

Wool or cotton: cotton

Chocolate milk or plain: plain

Math or English: English

Dog or cat: cat

Paper or plastic: paper

Pen or pencil: pen

Car or truck: car.


Gone skinny dipping? no

Broken the law? yes

Witnessed a crime? yes

Run away from home? yes

Broken a bone? yes

Lied? yeah

Cheated on a test? no

Cheated on a boy/girlfriend? Nope

Had a boy/girlfriend cheat on you? yes

Been the �other woman/man�? no

Been on a plane? no

Gone swimming in the ocean? no

Cried in public? yes

Let a friend cry on your shoulder? yes

Fallen asleep in the car? yes

Fallen asleep while driving? yes

Fallen asleep in the shower or bath? yes

Fallen asleep while eating? when yes

Gone to church/synagogue? yes

Read the Bible? yes

Read the Torah? no

Read the Koran? no

Read the Kama Sutra? no

Read Playboy? yes

Read the dictionary? yes

Climbed a tree? yes

Stayed awake all night? yes

Been to camp? girl scout camp

Been to a professional sports game? no

Been to the Superbowl? no

Gotten a back massage? Yes, but it sucked

Kissed a guy? yes

Kissed a girl? no

Eaten sushi? yes

Been onstage? yes

Been backstage? yes

Been dumped? yes

Wanted to die? yes

Met a celebrity? Yes

Met the President? no

Seen the White House? Nope

Driven a car? Yes

Not washed your hair for a week? yes

Broken something valuable? Yes

Bought ice cream from an ice cream truck? Yes

Used your parents� credit card? Yes

Forged a parent�s signature? yes

Moved? too many times to count

Gotten a cavity? Yes

Gotten a shot? Yes

Had an online relationship? yes

Made prank phone calls? no

Caught a fish? Yes

Snuck out of your house? Yes

Climbed into your house through a window? Yes

Traveled to another country? no

Killed someone in your thoughts? yes

Killed someone in real life? no

Attempted suicide? yes

Cut yourself on purpose? Yes

Been in a car accident? Yes

Had sex? yes

Played strip poker? yes

Had a medical emergency? Yes

Cried over a boy/girl? yes

Been in love? yes

Been arrested? No

Gotten high? no

Gotten drunk? Yes

Been to a concert? Yes

Gotten into a fight? Yes.

Been kicked out of school? yes

Skied? no

Jetskied? no

Snowboarded? no


Be a character from any movie, who would you be? Eliza Doolittle

Be any animal, what would it be? Cat

Dye your hair any color, what would it be? Hot Pink

Do one thing to someone you disliked, what would it be? Tape their eyelids open and make them watch graphic scenes while listening to Beethovens Fifth Symphony

Have one fairy tale come true, what would it be? Snow White

Have one wish, what would it be? To finally be happy


Love at first sight? yes.

God? no

Religion? yes...mine

Aliens? yes

Angels? yes

Fairies? The Fae are all around us

Horoscopes? eh..not really

Ghosts? YES

Psychic powers? Yes

Heaven? no

Hell? no

Yourself? no


Are you in a relationship? Eh?

What do you notice first? mind,eyes, hair, body

What do you look for in a romantic partner? Compassion and understanding

Long hair or short? short

Thing you hate most about �em: Sex Starved Perverts

Thing you love most about �em: Snuggles


Your most prized and important possession? my pentacle

Your good luck charm? my pentacle

The worst song you have ever heard? Pirhana

The best thing that happened to you today? Didn't fight with IdiotBoy.

The most romantic thing that ever happened to you? Eh?

Your most humiliating moment? Crying at work when informed my divorce was final


Is your best friend? Jason

Is the loudest person you know? Brian

Craziest or silliest? Me

Sweetest? hmmm...Jason or Chris...eh its a tie :)

Coolest? eh?

Smartest? Me

Nicest? pretty much everyone

Meanest? Brian

Sexiest? Me

Makes you laugh the most? Amanda

Is the most gorgeous person in the world? dunno

Do you go to for advice? Jason

Do talk with about romantic stuff? Amanda

Do you talk with about life? myself, Jason

Do you admire most? My mom

Knows the most about you? Jason, Brian, Amanda and Tammy

Has it easier: guys or girls? Guys


Will get married first? Tammy was the first

Will get divorced first? I did :(

Will have a kid out of wedlock? eh?

Will become a star athlete? n/a

Will become a professional hairstylist? Brenda

Will make it on Broadway? Brandy

Is the best cook? ME

Will make the most money? Amanda

Will have more than five kids? Me if I have my way

Will have twins or triplets? me...I can dream anyway

Have you known the longest? Amanda

Whose parents do you know best? Amanda's

Knows you better than your parents? My therapist*lol*

Can�t live without your instruction? huh??


School: I'll go back eventually

Occupation: Therapist

Place to live: Who cares

Marriage: I hope.*crossing fingers*

Family: yes

Number of kids 2 or 3

Names of kids: Zoe Rhiannon, William Richard and Andrew Steven


Had a cat fight? Today, when trying to convince said cat that I AM NOT A TREE

Kissed someone? April 2003

Fell over? April 2004

Showered? last night

Cried? today

Really laughed? today

Had someone say �I love you�? been a while :(

Said �I love you� to someone else? yesterday


Have a crush on? :-x

Hate? my ex inlaws

Envy? amanda

Want to kill? no one

Email the most? no one

Wish you were with right now? :-x

Wish you had never met? Brian sometimes

Wish you could meet right now? Brin or Jamie

Think about all the time? Jason


Abortion? not my decision to make

Suicide? don't go there

Euthanasia? not my choice

Smoking? doesn't bother me

Premarital Sex? s'ok with me.

Eating disorders? recovering bulimic

Death? everyone dies, fucking deal with it

Rape? rape me and I'll chop your dick off

Capital punishment? damn skippy

Gun control? And I swear I do not have a gun

Gay marriage? not my choice, I say go for it

Pro wrestling? fake fake fake


I always... am tired.

I feel... bored.

I love... music.

I regret... everything

I will never... drink again

I wish... I wasn't bipolar

If I could, I would... win the lottery

I�ve had days that... never seemed to end

The last thing I need right now... is to have Brian yell at me


Person you talked to on the phone? Brian

Thing you had to drink? Coke

Book you read? A Spell for Chameleon

TV show you watched? the news

Sentence you said? does she get the hint?

Song you heard? Sympathy for the Devil

CD you bought? GNRs greatest hits

Phone number you called? Marie

Person to make you smile? Chris


Do you get along with your parents? yes

Do you drink alcohol? not anymore

Do you drink coffee? yes

Do you save e-mails? Yes

When do you usually go online? all day

What do you think is a good age to get married? 28

What is the funniest thing you�ve ever seen? my cat thinking hes a panther

Do you drive? Yes

Do you smoke? yes

Do you love anybody? yes

Do you hate anybody? yes

Do you like the opera? yes

Do you have a lot of friends? no

Do you have a lot of enemies? nah

Are you a good student? no

Do you have a secret that no one knows about? yes

If yes, who would be the first person to whom you told it? my best friend

Do you think dreams eventually come true? sometimes

Do you care about the way you look? yes

Do you have low self-confidence? Yes

Can you take a compliment? yes

Are you afraid of dying? no

Do you like where you live? no

Were you named after anyone? a neil diamond song

What�s the funniest or most desperate thing you�ve done to get the attention of the opposite (preferred) sex? dropped my books

What the best quality in a friend? caring and compassionate

What food do you hate? brussels sprouts

What�s the weirdest food you like? banana pudding and pickles

One of the dumbest things you�ve ever done: got married

One thing you wish you could tell the whole wide world: fuck off and die

One thing you hope to do before you die: have a baby

Biggest fear: going psychotic

Thing about which you�re most picked on: being fat

What have you done today? cleaned

What was important in your life in the past week? everyone left me the hell alone

What is (are) your theme song(s)? Sometimes its a Bitch

What song brings back memories? Welcome to the Jungle

If a movie was made about your life, what would the title be? Over the Edge

What color is your bedroom? white flowery paper and green carpet

What�s on your bedroom walls? my calendar

What size is your bed? big

Where�s your computer? bedroom

What color socks are you wearing? socks??!! we don't need no stinkin socks

What�s the silliest thing you�ve said lately? there tiny stripper mice falling from the sky screaming HELP ME RHONDA

What do you want right now: sex

What do you do when you get home from school? go to work

How long do you take in the shower? showers? I take long tub baths baby

Do you wear makeup? yes

If so, what? black eyeliner, silver shadow and lip stick

What color is your nail polish right now? clear

What�s the best feeling in the world? being loved

What�s the worst feeling in the world? paranoia, depression, mania and anxiety

Do you have any stuffed animals? yes

Are you good-looking? no

Are you happy with who you are? no

Are you a vegetarian? no

Are you kinky? *twirls handcuffs*

Are you corny? sometimes

Are you sappy? yes. I'm a romantic sappy one at that...

Are you sexy? HELL NO

Gay/Straight/Bi/Trans/Questioning? Give me the cock


Had a serious talk? yes

Hugged someone? no

Kissed someone? no

Had sex? no

Sung? yes

Cried? yes

Laughed? yes

Gotten a back rub? no


Shave your head? no

Kiss someone for money? yes

Kill someone? no

Do explicit things to make money? yes

Have sex on an airplane? yes.

What is the meaning of life? 42

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