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The Thong From Heck!

09/27/2004 - 4:21 p.m.

It's definately a Monday I can tell. People on the phone are incredibly short tempered and I'm quickly beginning to count myself among them. The simplest questions seem to bring them up in arms. It's rather annoying to tell the truth.

But not as annoying as the wedgie I have right now due to my thong...When I sat down in my chair about 2 hours ago...it slid up and well...I can't exactly pull it out...and it HURTS!!! I've attempted to 'adjust things' and partially succeeded but I'm still counting the minutes until my break *T-minus 5 minutes and counting* til I can run to the loo and get this thing out once and for all!.

Don't get me wrong, I love to wear thongs but this particular one for some reason is just highly aggravating and I don't know why.

*10 minutes later*

That's MUCH better. But right now I REALLY want to go home. My patience is wearing VERY thin at the moment. *grrr*

I'll be so glad once this day is over.

More later...

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