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Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
New Article - 09/13/2014
New Article - 09/13/2014
�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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I Must Be Short, Green and Look Like A President

10/02/2004 - 2:25 p.m.

Do I look like I am made out of money? Am I short, green and look like a president? Am I to be used as legal tender for all debts private or public???

Evidently my landlord thinks so.

Ever since my paycheck fiasco last month, I'd been slowly but surely catching up. I was only 30 dollars away from being caught up. But today, I was informed that I owe 240 dollars. Evidently, they're charging me 25 dollars for having the grass cut. Odd, it doesn't LOOK like anyone cut my grass, but I'll let it go. So now, instead of only owing 40 dollars...I owe 70 which is more than I owed originally to begin with??WTF???

*Grrr* This is why I need a second job...badly. Not only do I want out of that place, I want a whole new start. I'm coming upon the 3rd decade of my life and it's high time I lived my life for ME. Yeah, I'm being selfish, but you gotta remember I was with IB from the time I was 20 until I was 27. That's almost an entire decade of my life wasted. Now granted I won't be 30 for another 2 years and 5 months, but I hope to be well on my way before I hit that mark though. I never realized how OLD I felt until right my nowstupidexidiotboy left me last April.

My hair has gotten grayer and there are a few lines that are there that weren't in years past.

But life goes on. And I'm looking forward to FINALLY getting back on my way and finish all those things that I never finished because of him.

As soon as I figure out where to begin on that I'll let you know though...

On a different note, the Totally Useless Poll results are tied at the moment. 33% of you say that Eyes are the first thing you notice about the opposite sex, 33% of you say Personality and 33% of you say "Other". Now what exactly is "Other" anyway? Remember, the poll ends Tuesday and I need questions for the next poll. However right now it's gearing up to be an IdiotBoy Poll. *evil grin* This shall be fun to say the least and OH YEAH the comments section will be opened up for sure on this one.

Remember how last night I said I am pasta'd out. OH yeah...I think I am. Today marks day one on my new diet*I'll be charting my progress in this journal: Miss Maggie's Diet Diary. But things are not off to a good start. I went to Subway to grab a sammich for lunch/dinner and I ordered the roast beef with lettuce,tomato,onion,pickle and LIGHT MAYO. I hate mayo but I hate their mustard even more...so it was like picking between the lesser of two evils. But the lady didn't pay any attention to what I was saying and before I could stop her she put REGULAR mayo on my sandwich. Very little mayo, but when I said LIGHT mayo, I meant I wanted the lower fat/calorie mayo...Blah...*takes a swig of Diet Coke* I hate stupid people.

My goal here is to lose 40 lbs by Yule *December 22* I'll go into more detail about this in the other journal.

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