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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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CW2004© Day 5 and Work

11/19/2004 - 5:13 p.m.

Well here I am back at work. I don't sound much better but I FEEL much better and that is the important thing. I sound like I've swallowed glass or razor blades but hey...I need the money. Especially since I just learned that I'm off NEXT Thursday and I DON'T get paid for it! WTF???

BUT...we're also off on Yule(xmas)...We will be open on New Year's but it's strictly voluntary as to if you want to work...so...in otherwords...

Cleveland here I come...I shouldn't have problems finding someone to switch shifts with me for that Thursday and Friday and I won't lose any money. Yeah....

I got paid today. I actually had an hour of overtime which came in quite nicely. I got my card reloaded and I even bought some chinese food that I've been craving since I am now getting my senses of taste and smell back. I've been itching for steamed chicken and veggies with white rice and brown sauce...it's now sitting in the company fridge for me to take home tonight...YAY...All bills are paid and well...I have cold meds too..

I did however, have to force myself to keep walking when I walked past the liquor store...*sighs*

This blows you know...

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