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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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The One About The Nightmare

11/21/2004 - 4:16 p.m.

You know, this not getting much sleep this isn't too bad. Of course I'm also swilling caffiene and energy drinks til the cows come home...yeah and then I stop after I get home*laughs* I was up til almost 8 this morning because I couldn't sleep to save my life. After taking things into my own hands*buzzzzzzzzzz* I fell asleep,but only to have some SERIOUSLY *bleeped* up dreams.

About what pray tell?


AKA..Idiotboys *Bleep*toy.

No, not THOSE kind of dreams. If I'd had one like that I would have promptly woken up and slit my wrists. What pray tell was the gothwannabebiotch doing in my dreams? Pretty much trying to drive me over the edge. Let me put it this way...this gothwannabebiotch is someone that does NOT want to be alone in a room with me after this particular nightmare lest I feel the need to slap the *bleep* out of her just on principle. Stay out of my nightmares!

In other "cameo appearances" Matthew was there trying to have me committed thanks to my being driven batty by the coporategothwannabebiotch. It was a heckuva nightmare lemme tell ya. No wonder I woke up after only 4 and a half hours of sleep*lol*

At least others have seen fit to stay OUT of my dreams now. For that I shall be forever grateful...

In other news, ColdWatch2004 ©, is officially over. Right now all I have is just the occasional cough and my senses of smell and taste returned to me 2 days ago. And even though I ate and ate it seems those 5 days I actually LOST 2 pounds*lol*

But hey, every little bit helps...

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