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I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
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Memwahs of A Maggie

12/11/2004 - 1:31 p.m.

*looks up*

Oh, it's you again. Welcome back. As you can see, I've been slacking. I had several posts planned in the past few days but I just couldn't bring myself to post because my concentration is for naught right now. I have however managed to sit down and start pounding out my 'memwahs'(memoirs) for no other reason than because I can. I have it on a site here in D-Land. It's currently unlocked but I'm about to go back in and lock it because obviously it's only in the beginning stages and needs a lot of fleshing out.

I'm just glad today is Saturday, which means that I don't have to work tomorrow.

*looks up*

And if you could make the room quit spinning, I'd appreciate it. I knew I shoulda waited til tonight to drink.

J asked me last night why I was drinking and wanted to know if he had anything to do with it*long story* and I told him no and that he must think awfully highly of himself if he thinks he could have an effect on me like that. Only a few people do and they know who they are and HE is not one of them. He then said I was 'attacking' him...um...whatever. I'm just drinking because I don't want to be sad. I'm not sad right now but I know that it's inevitable because I can feel it sneaking in bit by bit. I don't like it and if the booze keeps me from feeling it just a little while longer, so be it.

But, I wasn't expecting a hangover this morning when I woke up though. *ugh* Oh well... I've been sipping my Gatorade and it should be gone soon. Just in time for me to do it again tonight.

No beer this time though. I'm thinking some more Goldschlager...*yum!!*

And for those who would like to lecture me about my drinking...DON'T. I don't need a lecture especially from you. (if you have to ask yourself 'is she talking about me?' Then chances are, I probably AM)

This weekend I'm gonna go ahead and get my tix for the Butch Walker show at Exit In here in Nashville. Given the events of the past week I'm sure security will be hunkered down. I hope so anyway...

Ok, so I'm gonna wrap this entry up. I have some tweakage to do to the template so I shall return later...

*smoochies kiddos!*

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