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I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
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Just A Stupid Update

02/17/2005 - 1:29 a.m.

I think this is gonna be a short entry as I feel like warmed over crap. Not much to report as of late. Been working too much, and sleeping too little. This combination makes our Miss Maggie exhausted and it finally caught up with me.

Met a nice guy the other day, it's amazing what a drunken phone call on a Saturday night leads to*lmao* Anyway, I went over to his place last night and watched a movie. And for my faithful readers, NO I did NOT sleep with him.*lol* But I had a nice visit and oddly enough I felt almost totally at ease with him, which says a lot. The only reason I wasn't totally at ease is because I half expected him to turn out like 99% of the other men I've met and try to get in my pants.

Perhaps it's time that I change my outlook...ya think?

Then again, maybe not. I don't know. I have this thing about trust you know...as in, I don't trust anyone. I'll keep waiting to get stabbed in the back at some point. *figuratively not literally mind you* And lemme tell ya that would seriously suck as I'm really starting to like this guy too. On the other hand, I'm probably going to make a self fulfilling prophecy here by saying this but:

Just like every guy I've ever liked(IdiotBoy included), I will end up getting hurt somehow. Hell shall we just run through the list of people who've managed this task in the past few years? Yeah let's do that, just for shits and giggles:

and even to a certain extent Jeremy.(I don't even HAVE an explaination for THAT one unless you wanna call it my brain taking a vacation)

Some hurt worse than others for various reasons.

Ok, that was fucking depressing.

Fuck this entry. I'll probably delete it later. Maybe I should just go back to bed. Goddess knows I probably need more sleep.

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