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�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
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Gotta Get Out

07/14/2005 - 7:03 p.m.

I want to go on a ghost hunt. I haven't been on one in almost 2 years now and I rather miss it. There was nothing like the thrill of setting up the equipment and then spreading out into teams to conduct the search. The excitement we all felt as we started noticing things around us...sounds...smells...temperature changes. It was awesome. There was quite a bit of camaraderie in those days between us in the SPA (Student Pagan Association of which I was a member) we'll overlook the fact that most of us were completely nuts.

But I kinda...but only kinda miss those days because those were the early days of my seperation and those guys kept me sane and mostly sober.

Then it all fell apart. But that's ok. They were there for a reason and when I no longer needed them they were gone. It's all good.

But yes, I want to go ghost hunting this weekend. I wonder if I can get David to go with me. I'm sure he'd love to come along since he's into that kind of thing. One of these days I'm gonna have to let him watch me do a house cleansing. *laughs*

But yeah...ghost hunting...maybe the mountains. I've just gotta get out of the house, I don't care for what.

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