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The current mood of missmaggie03 at www.imood.com Current Reads
Passage of Time - 03/07/2016
I'm Still Here, and it's Better Than Ever! - 02/08/2016
Just A Wee Update - 11/29/2015
New Article - 09/13/2014
New Article - 09/13/2014
�2002-2015 Miss Maggie
The entries here are MINE. Take them and your ass then becomes MINE as well

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Long Time No Seeeeeee

09/10/2008 - 7:03 p.m.

Well obviously I've missed quite a bit these last few months which seriously sucks balls, but that's ok. I'm slowly catching up. I've cleared out my mailboxes (mostly spam and forwards anyway) and reconnected with friends a great deal of whom thought I was like dead or something.

I assure you I am among the living. Excluding that incident from March where I was told if I'd waited just a day or so longer to see the doctor I would be dead, I've never once been remotely close to dying. Besides, I'm too cantankerous to die yet...too many people left to piss off!*grins*


What you missed:

*the seemingly never ending search for the 'perfect' apartment. I did in the end manage to pull a miracle out of my ass and got us into the one we're in now. That whole 'six degrees of separation' thing really DOES work! Turns out that 2 years ago I sold the landlord a bunch of vacuum cleaners from when I worked at the flea market. I remembered the woman and she remembered me so she was willing to hold the place for us despite not being able to put down a security deposit til the next day.

*My numerous injuries and the like. I keep spraining my ankles and knees. Can't imagine why, but I now have a lovely collection of slings and braces and bandages for such, not to mention almost a standing script for Naprosyn *lmao* (we'll overlook the fact that it doesn't do shit for me)

* My cat Friday getting bitten my a water mocassin and dying. That pissed me off as it'd happened barely 3 weeks AFTER we moved into the apartment. One night I was sleeping and Lance came in and asked me to identify this snake that was wrapped around our stairway railing outside by the end of the stairs. I was incredibly bleary eyed and misjudged the size of said snake and attempted to use a broom to flip it into the garden, but not before I'd identified it as the venonmous variety(color, markings, head shape and the fact that when I did my flip attempt it struck at me and it had monster fangs!)

*The diagnosis of high blood pressure which was ultimately a blessing in disguise. Back at the beginning of may I started having serious dizzy spells and ended up spraining my ankle, so my store manager put me on 2nd shift temporarily til my medication started working. A few days later at midnight a tornado hit and hit the store before completely taking out the fairgrounds pavillion across the street. No one was hurt, but I got lucky, I was supposed to have worked that night, but because of my dizzy spells I wasn't to work alone so I'd left 2 and a half hours earlier.

I ran out of meds and my blood pressure is back up. Lucky me.

*The Neon dying and going *kpublllltttzzzzzzz* My water pump went out and I got standed on Ft Campbell Blvd. Had to walk 6 and a half miles home week before last. Luckily the car has now been repaired and I pick it up Friday. We also bought another car last week (a 92 Grand Prix) which is Lance's car. I picked it out AND got us a discount for paying off in full with cash.

*My first tattoo. I got a pentacle on my left shoulder and I have plans in January to have a lot more work done on that particular arm. And no, it didn't really hurt. I was actually LAUGHING MY ASS OFF while it was being done. It did hurt a smidge at the top, but only because I was evidently sunburned on my shoulder.

*My crispy critterness. We walked approximately 20 miles one day last week under a flesh frying sun. The sun and I have an agreement. I stay out of it and it doesn't roast my pasty white tender flesh(my chest is glow in the dark white. who needs a flashlight, just let me take off my shirt and bra!) Luckily it's peeling now but for a few days I was actually in tears because it hurt so bad and NOTHING was giving me relief. Now I just have a fucked up looking chest since it's still red and is now peeling in sheets. Itches like a motherfuck.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head at the moment, but there will definitely be more to come soon I promise! Not to mention, I also promise not to stay away so long again too. Trust me, I've missed being able to write in here. Yeah I have paper journals, but I'm such a perfectionist when it comes to my handwriting that I am not consistent with it...

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